Community Worship Services

Tickets to our Community Services in Beir Chapel are now on sale.

Our Community Services are open to all and offer a warm and intimate worship experience in Beir Chapel, situated on the lower level of our Community House. This year, services will be led by Rabbis Lisa Rubin and Sivan Rotholz from Central's Center for Exploring Judaism (CEJ), Rabbinic Intern Rebecca Thau, Cantorial Intern Beth Reinstein, and Cantor Jill Abramson.


If you’re a member in good standing of another congregation, you can get courtesy tickets to our Community Services through the Union for Reform Judaism’s (URJ) reciprocity arrangement. Please request reciprocity directly from your synagogue clicking the button below. You may also have your synagogue email a reciprocity form to us at To help us manage our capacity, please indicate specifically which of our services you’d like to attend.

If you’re a relative of a Central member and wish to attend services with them, your synagogue must list their name on the reciprocity form so that we can issue you the correct tickets.

We encourage you to visit the UJA Federation of New York’s website which maintains a list of other services at other NYC-area synagogues that may be available.


Email us at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or call (212) 838-5122.


Learn more about the accommodations available during our High Holy Day events.